

Final Score  
1 Home team wins
X Draw
2 Away team wins
Total goals  
0-5 5 or less goals in the match
6+ 6 or more goals in the match
1 Home team wins
2 Away team wins
Draw no bet  
D1 Home team wins (void if draw)
D2 Away team wins (void if draw)
Double chance  
1X Home team wins or draw
12 Home or away team wins
X2 Draw or away team wins
Result Fist Period  
I1 Home team score more goals in I period
IX Draw in I period
I2 Away team score more goals in I period
Result Second Period  
II1 Home team score more goals in II period
IIX Draw in II period
II2 Away team score more goals in II period
Result Third Period  
III1 Home team score more goals in III period
IIIX Draw in III period
III2 Away team score more goals in III period
Number of goals  
0-3 3 or less goals on the match
0-4 4 or less goals on the match
0-6 6 or less goals on the match
0-7 7 or less goals on the match
I 0-1 Less then two goals in first period
II 0-1 Less then two goals in second period
III 0-1 Less then two goals in third period
4+ 4 and more goals on the match
5+ 5 and more goals on the match
7+ 7 and more goals on the match
8+ 8 and more goals on the match
I 2+ 2 and more goals in first period
II 2+ 2 and more goals in second period
III 2+ 2 and more goals in third period
Even / Odd  
Even Even or 0:0
Odd Odd
DNB I Period  
D1 Home team win I period (void if draw)
D2 Away team wins I period (void if draw)
DNB II Period  
D 1 Home team win II period (void if draw)
D 2 Away team wins II period (void if draw)
DNB III Period  
D 1 Home team win III period (void if draw)
D 2 Away team wins III period (void if draw)
Double chance I per  
1X Home team wins or draw in I period
12 Home or away team wins in I period
X2 Draw or away team wins in I period
Double chance II per  
1X Home team wins or draw in II period
12 Home or away team wins in II period
X2 Draw or away team wins in II period
Double chance III per  
1X Home team wins or draw in III period
12 Home or away team wins in III period
X2 Draw or away team wins in III period
Correct Score  
1:0 Corect score of the match will be 1:0
2:0 Corect score of the match will be 2:0
2:1 Corect score of the match will be 2:1
3:0 Corect score of the match will be 3:0
3:1 Corect score of the match will be 3:1
3:2 Corect score of the match will be 3:2
4:0 Corect score of the match will be 4:0
4:1 Corect score of the match will be 4:1
4:2 Corect score of the match will be 4:2
4:3 Corect score of the match will be 4:3
5:0 Corect score of the match will be 5:0
5:1 Corect score of the match will be 5:1
5:2 Corect score of the match will be 5:2
5:3 Corect score of the match will be 5:3
5:4 Corect score of the match will be 5:4
0:0 Corect score of the match will be 0:0
1:1 Corect score of the match will be 1:1
2:2 Corect score of the match will be 2:2
3:3 Corect score of the match will be 3:3
4:4 Corect score of the match will be 4:4
5:5 Corect score of the match will be 5:5
0:1 Corect score of the match will be 0:1
0:2 Corect score of the match will be 0:2
1:2 Corect score of the match will be 1:2
0:3 Corect score of the match will be 0:3
1:3 Corect score of the match will be 1:3
2:3 Corect score of the match will be 2:3
0:4 Corect score of the match will be 0:4
1:4 Corect score of the match will be 1:4
2:4 Corect score of the match will be 2:4
3:4 Corect score of the match will be 3:4
0:5 Corect score of the match will be 0:5
1:5 Corect score of the match will be 1:5
2:5 Corect score of the match will be 2:5
3:5 Corect score of the match will be 3:5
4:5 Corect score of the match will be 4:5